It was also great to have Martin City Coffee sharing samples of the coffee they’ll soon be serving when their coffee shop opens their doors!
And they’re off! Watch a short preview of the start of the race.
Congrats to the overall race winners!
Husband and wife duo Kristen and Jeremy Glassmaker
Edward Pinkelman and Courtney Breitkreutz
Kids Fun Run
Jack Stack BBQ catered this year’s breakfast.
Special shoutout to all our Whiskey Run 5K volunteers: Bridgette Elleman from Rob Sight Ford, Angie Boehner from Laser Equipment, Nick Lewman from Matai Services, Ryan Cocherl from Fezzwigs, and Anne Cull from ThinkViral. We really appreciate all the time they put into organizing this event!
Good times on the course! Thanks to all the runners and walkers who made this year’s event memorable.
Big thanks to Premier Mazda, J.Rieger, and Volleyball Beach for sponsoring the 2018 Whiskey Run 5K, and to KCMO’s Neighborhood Tourist Development Fund for their ongoing support of Martin City events.
View more race photos here.
See all race results here.