6th Council District

Martin City is located in the 6th Council District of south Kansas City, Missouri. We are not our own municipality. Our public services come from Kansas City, Missouri (police, fire, water, public works, etc.).

Our local representatives are 6th District Councilman Johnathan Duncan and 6th District At-Large Councilwoman Andrea Bough.


The Martin City CID provides nightly security patrol services free of charge to all businesses located within our boundaries.

We also have a strong relationship with the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department, and have Community Interaction Officer Mary McCall assigned to our district. KCPD established the CIO program to help build positive relationships between police officers and community members and we appreciate all they do to keep us safe.

Kansas City Missouri Police Officer Mary McCall as a neighborhood friend.


The Martin City Community Improvement District generates revenue from a retail sales tax assessment on businesses within our district boundaries and a property tax assessment on each private parcel. This is how we pay for road repairs, new sidewalks, hanging flower baskets, bike racks, and other beautification efforts that help our community grow and thrive.

Nearly 90 businesses are located in Martin City. SEE BUSINESS LIST >>

The Martin City Business & Community Association is a group of local business leaders that partners with the Martin City CID to organize events including our annual Holiday Lighting Celebration.


Almost 3,000 employees go to work in Martin City every day and that number continues to grow! We are working hard to make improvements to make our district more “walkable” so our workforce can get out and walk around the neighborhood.



Martin City K-8 School is part of the Grandview, Missouri School District. They serve more than 720 elementary and middle school students.

Bambini Creativi, a private school for early preschool through 4th-grade students, is also located in Martin City.


Martin City has a LOT to show after more than a decade of strategic planning and hard work. We first came together to create momentum for the overhaul of 135th Street and we’re building on that success to move forward with our next critical project – Holmes Road. We’re hoping to see construction begin on the Holmes Road Public Improvement project as soon as possible.

We’re funding a variety of community projects, such as our new bike racks and beautiful hanging flower baskets, to draw more visitors to the area. Read more about our future plans >>