The City of Kansas City, Missouri and the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority have created a Martin City Urban Renewal Area (URA) under the approved Martin City Urban Renewal Plan (URP). If you own residential property in Martin City, and you live in the residence, here’s how you could benefit from the Urban Renewal Plan:
If you rehabilitate your owner-occupied single-family home, the property could be eligible for a 10-year tax abatement for improvements totaling up to $25,000. This does NOT include property you are leasing to tenants. It must be owner-occupied to qualify.
The abatement program requires a minimum of $5,000 in total rehabilitation costs. The cost of interior improvements is allowable, but only after the 25% minimum for exterior improvements has been spent to correct exterior code violations, if any, and exterior improvements visible from the public right-of-way.
The tax abatement would be 100% of the increased assessed value resulting from the rehabilitation investment, but not an elimination of property taxes. In other words, your property taxes would be frozen at what they are at the time the tax abatement goes into effect.
How a Decision Is Made about Your Application
After the LCRA has reviewed your application, they will conduct an inspection of the improvements or construction. If they approve the inspection, they will send a Certificate to the City and County Assessors for final execution. A fully executed Certificate will be mailed to you once it has been returned to the LCRA by the City and County.
If you’d like to pursue this property tax abatement, CLICK HERE to access the single-family, owner-occupied resident forms to get started. The tax abatement application fee is $25.00.
In addition to the tax abatement program, the City of Kansas City, Missouri has a Home Weatherization Program, Emergency Home Repair Program and Paint Program.
Please contact Steve Rinne at EDCKC if you need more information about these programs. (816) 691-2129 [email protected]